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Mazurka Pens News - flame walnut

Crotch Walnut Wood Blanks for Handmade Pens

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I am very excited about the new purchase of three flame and crotch walnut wood slabs.  I had the rather rare opportunity to purchase these slabs of crotch walnut wood, each three inches thick with spectacular figure.  They will make great handmade wood pens and wood pencils.  I am looking forward to using the crotch walnut wood to create some exciting, new custom wooden pens.  Feel free to contact me if you have interest in pre-ordering a pen made from the walnut wood, or if you have another idea for a custom handmade pen.

First Walnut Slab  Crotch walnut wood to be used for making custom handmade wooden pens
 Second Walnut Slab Crotch Walnut Wooden Slab
Third Walnut Slab Crotch Walnut Wooden Slab